9 Articles Written by Brandon Bridger
G. E. Moore on the Good
Moore gives three definitions of the Good through which he hopes to restart the science of Ethics. The Good, however, is not so easily defined. First Moore must differentiate between the Good in a moral sense and the Good in the ontological sense. Read Article
Written by Brandon Bridger on October 14th, 2013. Subject: Philosophy. Filed in Ethics, about
G. E. More
Porphyry and the Ontology of Genus and Species
A discussion of Porphyry's Isagoge and Aristotle's Categories. Porphyry discusses the priority among the predicables. Is this priority logical or ontological? Read Article
Written by Brandon Bridger on August 27th, 2013. Subject: Philosophy. Filed in Logic, about
Aquinas and the Distinction between Essence and Existence
Thomas Aquinas examines pure forms in an attempt to distinguish the metaphysical principles of beings. He extrapolates that being and essence are distinct. Read Article
Written by Brandon Bridger on July 30th, 2013. Subject: Philosophy. Filed in Metaphysics, about
Plato on One Universe in the Timaeus
In the Timaeus, Plato addresses the principle on which our world was established, and its relationship to the Forms and to Beauty. Read Article
Written by Brandon Bridger on July 24th, 2013. Subject: Philosophy. Filed in Natural Philosophy, about
Descartes’ New Philosophical Abstraction
During his examination of geometrical figures, Descartes develops a new means of abstracting which goes beyond what others before him have done. Read Article
Written by Brandon Bridger on July 16th, 2013. Subject: Philosophy. Filed in Natural Philosophy, about
Kant on Truth in the Critique of Pure Reason
Kant gives a revised definition of truth that contains his own vocabulary and explores the possibility of general criterion of truth. Read Article
Written by Brandon Bridger on July 10th, 2013. Subject: Philosophy. Filed in Epistemology, about
Heidegger on Man and Being
Martin Heidegger attempts to formulate a metaphysics within his existentialist system, using as his basis the relationship between time and being. Read Article
Written by Brandon Bridger on July 5th, 2013. Subject: Philosophy. Filed in Metaphysics, about
Duns Scotus on Transcendentals
John Duns Scotus examines the two means of dividing being, into finite and infinite and into the ten genera, to discover what a transcendental is. Read Article
Written by Brandon Bridger on June 31st, 2013. Subject: Philosophy. Filed in Metaphysics, about
Duns Scotus
Aristotle’ Physics and How to Begin Philosophy
Aristotle explains in his Physics that good philosophy begins with the observation of physical objects, and ends with relating those objects to thought. Read Article
Written by Brandon Bridger on June 22nd, 2013. Subject: Philosophy. Filed in Epistemology, about